Birth & Postpartum Doula Support in Virginia Beach, VA

Providing birth and postpartum doula support to Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads families.

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Care & Support You Deserve

Having a baby can be a challenge - finding non-judgmental support, guidance and care in Virginia Beach should not.


Birth doula support

Continuous emotional and physical support, evidenced-based education and comforting care throughout pregnancy, labor, and birth

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Postpartum Doula SUPPORT

In-home, hands-on support for those first 12 weeks after your baby arrives.

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Meet Your Virgina Beach Birth & postpartum Doula

Carolyn Grayce

I am the proud owner of With Grayce LLC located in Virginia Beach, VA. As a DONA Certified Birth and Postpartum doula, my passion lies in supporting all families in the Hampton Roads area, through one of the most exciting and transformative times in their lives- the arrival of their newest family member.

With a background in early childhood education, I spent 7 years working closely with young children before becoming a doula. However, my own journey into motherhood was what ignited my passion for supporting families during this special time. When I was a first time mother, I was overwhelmed and unsure of how to care for my newborn, heal properly, and advocate for myself. I didn't have that mythical "village" everyone kept talking about. I felt lost, unheard, and unsupported. Then in 2019, my husband and I experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage. We were later blessed with the arrival of our rainbow baby in September 2020. Navigating pregnancy and postpartum after loss was extremely lonely, hard, and at times unbearable. I lost myself for a long time.

Becoming a mother without a strong support system, I understand firsthand how crucial it is to have a compassionate and knowledgeable guide during this transformative period. As your doula, I am committed to focusing on your individual needs. Caring for you and your family so that you can rest and focus on healing and bonding. This journey isn't meant to be travelled alone. Whether you are navigating this journey for the first time or you are adding another little one to your family, my goal is to offer the very best birth and postpartum doula support to help your whole family thrive and flourish with grace.

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Let's Doula This!

Get the guidance, support and care you need and DESERVE


Step 1: Discovery Call

Let's take 30 minutes via Google Meet/phone so you can learn more about my doula services and see if we would be a good fit.



When you're ready, I'll send you a contract and invoice for a retainer for you to review.


Step 3: Prenatal

Schedule your 1-2 hour prenatal meeting(s) in the comfort of your home. This is for us to get to know one another and curate a personized plan based off of your unique needs and desires.



You can relax knowing that you'll have the physical, emotional and informational support of a birth and postpartum doula when your baby arrives.

"... She is one who truly loves their job and truly cares for her clients."

“Carolyn was my postpartum doula after the complicated birth of my 2nd daughter. She came and took over everything she could to help my husband's and my stress level while I healed. She brought dinner, listened when I needed to talk, and even kept up with my toddler while I was recouping. When she wasn't at home she was texting and checking up on my whole family and willing to pick up anything we needed on the way to our home. She is one who truly loves their job and truly cares for her clients”

-Allison F.

Find the Best Birth and Postpartum Care For You

Learn more about how the support of a birth and postpartum doula can help you feel empowered, supported and even ENJOY your pregnancy, birth and those first days & weeks at home with your newborn.

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